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To the website of Katie Meredith.
Katie runs a professional training and competition yard based in Ohoka, North Canterbury, offering horses for sale, schooling of clients horses and the training and support of her pupils. Katie builds her experience and depth of knowledge through her strong working relationship with John & Laura Renwick of the UK where she regularly returns for training and competition experience.

Katie is an extremely talented and hard-working New Zealand Show Jumping rider. Her accolades include 

  • National 1.30-40 champion 2017
  • "Intermediate Rider of the Year" title holder in 2010 & 2011
  • "National Young Rider of the Year" title holder in 2011 & 2013
  • A & H level NZPCA certificate holder. 

Katie works closely with her horses and owners as well as pupils and clients, believing that communication is the key to success. Katie is open to negotiate owner/rider relationships or syndicate possibilities and is extremely grateful to her existing sponsors as well as always interested to hear from potential new sponsors.  

Please enjoy the website and if you feel that Katie can be of service to you then do not hesitate to make contact.

When on New Zealand soil Katie offers her services to the wider equestrian community; from helping you to find the right equestrian partner or selling your current horse to helping you reach your competitive goals with regular lessons, long term training plans and comprehensive support. Find out more about the services offered...


  • Outdoor school 55m x 45m, available for hire at $10 an hour.                      
  • Access to open paddocks and nearby hacking trails
  • Variety of SJ and Cross Country fences
  • Stables, yards and washdown facilities
  • Well-maintained year-round turnout paddocks with secure post and rail fencing 

Katie has an excellent record for horse sales, competition and schooling liveries and these are always welcomed, please contact Katie directly with any enquiries.

I believe in creating an environment where the horse can feel safe, healthy and confident to reach their full potential through positive experiences such as regular flatwork, hacking and educational outings.
— Katie Meredith

Latest news:

- 21/07/2017

Katie Meredith Equestrian

Three amazing months in England and I'm finally home to the cold! I am so lucky to have the opportunity to spend my winters with John and Laura Renwick...