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Katie Meredith Equestrian would like to thank the following sponsors for their support

Moore's Riding Wear make absolutely beautiful jackets, shirts and other accessories. I've been riding in both the Mocca and Black stretch jackets and I love the flattering fit and they are so comfortable to ride in!

4cyte Katie Meredith

 4Cyte I've been using 4cyte since I was in young riders and I believe it is such a superior joint supplement. It plays such a big part in keeping my horses sound.

Our involvement with Katie has progressed over the years to now owning and breeding in partnership with her, a number of horses. She has worked very hard producing young horses for herself and sale and currently spends the NZ Winter months in the UK working for Laura Renwick, where she is continuing to progress her career specialising in helping to produce and train their young horses. My husband and I get a great deal of enjoyment in supporting Katie in her chosen career.
— Pauline & Barry Quigley