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As an instructor Katie is patient, interested, knowledgeable, instills confidence and teaches at exactly the right level to stretch you and not only improve your horse but also improve your own riding skills. Katie has been extremely supportive and encouraging at all times when I have struggled with my confidence and I always came away from my lessons feeling great.
— Nikki van Kruiningen

Instruction is available for all ages and abilities for flatwork, jumping or cross country. Please enquire for current rates.

Competition riding: Please enquire for current rates.
To go and ride someone's horse: Please enquire for current rates.

Schooling: Please enquire for current rates.
Starting: Please enquire for current rates.

Sale on Behalf
Sale on behalf - 10% commission plus expenses.

Schooling and Starting
I am available to take horses for starting or schooling at a competitive price. Please contact me and we can work out an individual programme and quote for you and your horse. I am also available to take horses for sale on behalf.

Assistance in purchasing the right horse
With an understanding that purchasing your first or subsequent horses can be stressful I can offer a support service to help you find your dream horse. I will spend time to understand the partnership you are looking for and support you in your purchase whilst using my extensive knowledge of the local competition scene and various equestrian contacts throughout New Zealand and the UK. It can often take time to find the right horse for you and we are happy to support you for however long it takes. Extra mileage may be charged for horses outside our local area.

Arena Hire
Our 55m x 45m all weather arena is available for hire at $10 an hour. Bookings must be made.